Guiding the Journey to Integrative Intelligence

our mission

Of Mindfulness and Experience


Our Mission:

To create a new kind of ORGANIZATIONAL culture.



An organizational culture where people are engaged, energized, and treat others with compassion, mindfulness, and empathy. A culture where people are empowered to use their workplace as a playground and practice field, for generating true fulfillment in their careers and personal life. A culture that allows us to recognize the common threads between us all, and the power that results when we can truly see and be seen by others.


Christy Kennedy

Care To The Experience



Christy is a certified Enneagram practitioner, with nearly fifteen years of experience working with Fortune 1000 companies.

She’s motivated and inspired to reshape today’s corporate culture into one that produces success from authentic connection and refined self-awareness.

Christy’s education and coaching of emotional intelligence has been a lifelong pursuit. Through years of self-discovery exercises with individuals and teams, her efforts could have come to a pause in 2014 when she was diagnosed with an aggressive cancer. From a difficult, multi-year experience with battle and recovery, Christy’s exploration of the mind-, body and spirit under-strain found new reach and only further fueled her dedication to helping others. Each lesson learned from professional experience and personal recovery resulted in a unique approach to self-awareness and transformation.

Our natural wiring is meant to be used to our advantage. In today’s personal and professional settings, we cloud or suppress so much of our natural wiring by way of habit, bottling and even disregard. For some, it isn’t until an extreme circumstance occurs, before we’re able to put priority on genuine growth and fulfillment and create new neural pathways. Christy serves as a supportive human and expert who understands the dynamic of psyche, and how that psyche can be honed with mindfulness into the true force behind living our careers and personal life with purpose.

Kristie McCormick

Kristie McCormick

passion to inspire



Kristie McCormick joins Culture Conscious with a passion to inspire a corporate culture of awareness, empathy, and emotional intelligence.

She brings her unique experiences in law, corporate, and non-profit organizations where she sparked growth and change in individuals, teams and communities.  With over two decades of experience creating and leading organizations, Kristie has earned a reputation as an insightful, creative and compassionate visionary. 

Skilled at building highly functional and innovative teams who love what they do, Kristie utilizes her perceptive insight to inspire individual growth and higher consciousness. By utilizing the power of the Enneagram, her clients are equipped to understand themselves and operate more successfully in the world.  Her personal commitment to being present,  not just to perform, makes her a deep listener and effective coach.

Kristie is as comfortable coaching corporate executives as she is serving in an orphanage in India or teaching mindfulness to Detroit’s children.


"Of all the things that can boost emotions, motivations, and perceptions during a workday, the single most important is making progress in meaningful work." 

- Daniel Gilbert
